
For the past few years, I’ve felt all over the place; My mind racing from one thought to the next, not knowing what or how to think and process different aspects of life.

Discovering my love for philosophy just last year as a senior in high school, I began to question every thought in depth, just as a philosopher would. I already have some sort of anxiety issues but this over analyzing of the nature of my thoughts derailed and spilled into every aspect of my life. I began feeling addicted to finding “the best thing.” “What is this ‘thing’?” you might ask. We’ll frankly, I don’t know.

Let me give you an example. To find a book about health to read, I google “best health book” and go through each entry that shows up on the page (which each have their own top massive list of best health books), compile it onto a huge list, match similar titles, then rank the books from most mentioned to least mentioned, and I feel like I should be reading those books in that order. This is the only way for me to feel comfortable reading a health book. My mind thinks I should be doing FOR EVERYTHING, and it gets overbearing.

“Sometimes when you lose your way, you find yourself.”

Imagine this ‘health book’ example in every aspect of my life, and you get the gist of my being. I’m creating this blog with two goals in mind:

  1. To gain complete mental clarity
  2. To create a massive information hub about every possible aspect of human health, cognition, and consciousness.

This is a new age movement, a lifestyle to find all the answers.

I’m Aryss, and this is The Unfogging.
